Nose Rings Guide

Hoop Nose Rings

Hoop nose rings are  nose piercings which look exactly like a ring inserted into your nose. And although many call the nose body jewelry ‘nose rings’, they can be anything – nose screws, studs and barbells.

How do you insert hoop nose rings? Well, it pretty simple! You just need to push in the sharp end of the hoop nose ring into the piercing hole from inside the nostril. Then just pull the nose ring until the other end with the flat ball presses against the nose piercing from the inside.

This way you will create an impression that you’re wearing a full ring inserted into your nose while actually it’s a half-ring with the gap between the ends professionally masked inside the nostril.

As you can imagine, before the invention of hoop nose rings you’d have to manage wearing captive bead rings or segment rings in your nose piercings. Some would wear simple earrings; however, it’s not so easy to insert this type of body jewelry into your nostril.

Nostril skin is fairly thick and you could be actually unsuccessful when trying to insert a captive bead ring into your nose piercing. Also the fact that the nose piercing hole isn’t on the very rim of the nostril but a bit deeper makes it all more difficult.

So why this hassle if you want to wear a real nose ring? Just go for a hoop nose ring – its the best and easiest option.

When youbuy hoop nose rings, you can choose from a vast array of available materials and sizes. Stainless steel, titanium in different colors and gold are the available metals and you can choose between two sizes as well – 5/16 and 3/8.

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