Nose Rings Guide

Nose Ring Styles

Bridge Jewelry

Bridge jewelry is worn in the bridge piercing, which is an interesting nose piercing that is located almost directly between the eyes across the bridge of the nose. It is also called the third eye piercing. This piercing goes horizontally through the little stretch of skin at the top of the nose. You can also

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Gold Nose Studs

Gold Nose Studs are very affordable.  And the choices are immense!! White gold, Yellow gold, short stud, long stud, studs with gems and diamonds. The following guide will help you out if your not sure which style to choose…. Gold nose studs are inserted from the outside, leaving a small jewel visible. Unlike other gold nose piercings, which

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Titanium Nose Rings

HELP AND ADVICE Titanium Nose Rings are very enduring and body-friendly. The material they’re made from is used for permanent surgical implants so you can be sure titanium wont cause adverse skin reactions. Another advantage of wearing titanium nose rings is that they are up to 50% lighter than other nose jewelry, making them very comfortable to wear. Titanium is another

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Yellow Gold Nose Rings

Gold nose jewelry comes in many colors, shapes, variations and styles. The choice is incredible!! INFORMATION AND ADVICE First of all, you have to choose which style of gold nose rings you prefer. There are nose hoops which look like actual rings when inserted into the piercing. Then there are nose piercings with a gem or some other logo attached to

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Bioplast Nose Rings

Why Buy Bioplast Nose Rings? The most important reason to buy Bioplast nose rings is that they are safe from infections, swellings and allergic reactions. Bioplast is recommended as the best material for first-time piercings. Even if you do develop an infection, Bioplast heals it much faster than other materials do. When you get pierced with Bioplast,

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Septum Rings

Septum piercing goes through the septum that divides the right nostril from the left. It is also called a bull nose piercing or a horseshoe piercing. The nasal septum is made of cartilage tissue. Your piercer will not actually pierce the cartilage here. Rather, the gap that is in line with a regular nostril piercing

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