Nose Rings Guide

Gold Nose Studs

Gold Nose Studs are very affordable. 

And the choices are immense!! White gold, Yellow gold, short stud, long stud, studs with gems and diamonds. The following guide will help you out if your not sure which style to choose….

Gold nose studs are inserted from the outside, leaving a small jewel visibleUnlike other gold nose piercings, which come twisted and bent, gold nose studs are straight barbells. At the other end these studs have a small ball-like ending which prevents it from falling out.

The twisted U-shaped and L-shaped nose rings are kept in place tightly. You have to push the nose piercing through the piercing hole and twist it until it’s sitting comfortably in place – these are gold nose screws.

However, if you find gold nose screws uncomfortable, gold nose studs are your best option.

The next thing to consider is gems. You can choose among many different types of artificial and traditional gems. The nose studs usually sport very small gemstones, so even those having diamonds set into the ending are quite affordable for everyone!

An finally, you have a choice of a short nose stud or a longer one. As you’ll see in the images below, there are two types of nose studs available – bone and fishtail. The bone gold nose studs tend to be the most comfortable as they have a small ball at one end and the short shaft makes it very comfortable.

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