Bull nose rings are rings that you wear on your nostrils or your septum. If you go for a septum piercing, the best choice is a captive bead ring or a horseshoe ring. “Septum” is the wall between your nostrils.
For a plain nostril piercing, however, it can be tough to get the captive bead ring in since the inside of the nostril is rather deep. The best option, therefore for a bull nose ring for nostril piercing is the hoop nose ring that look like the full bull nose ring when you wear it, yet is easy to insert.
A septum piercing looks very unique and attractive for a bull nose ring. There are millions of people going in for this type of body piercing. The actual piercing is not done through the cartilage and when you get it done by an expert, you will hardly feel any pain!
The most exciting thing about a septum piercing is you can wear your bull nose ring when you want to. In case you cannot wear it to work, you can simple insert a piercing retainer to keep the piercing intact. There is a choice of captive rings with beads, circular barbells and beautiful nose hoops that are the favorite. The captive rings come in 12 and 14 gauge thickness in glow-in-the-dark pretty colors ranging from dark blue, orange, red, purple, light green, blue, pink and lots more, all embellished with beads of clear marble, beach balls, glitter balls and disco balls that look magical.
There are 14 gauge surgical grade steel captive rings with 4 mm acrylic balls in different colors. For special occasions, you may want to add the 14-carat yellow gold horseshoe bull nose ring to your collection. Horseshoe bull nose rings come with circular balls, dice, dangling skeleton hands, swords, and the like. Nose hoops of 18-20-gauge stainless steel and anodized titanium are available in different colors.
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can you wear the “bull” septum piercing on your left/ right nostril ? like this girl is wearing it in this picture ? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=170463266380679&set=a.170462489714090.41024.100002510198850&type=3&theater