Starting at a very young age I LOVED the pierced and tattooed look. As anybody who has been pierced knows there’s the dreaded “need to be 18” factor or the even more dreaded “attempt to get parental consent”.
When I was 15 after a lot of begging and pleading and deal-making I convinced my dad to sign for my nose piercing. My main reason for choosing my nose was the awareness that it was one of a select few piercings I actually had a shot at getting my pops to agree to.
I’ll never forget. .. He finally said yes on a Wednesday afternoon but told me I had to wait until Saturday. At the time it felt like the longest few days of my life. Finally Saturday morning came.
I’d love to tell you I picked the shop because of its stellar reputation or great reviews but in reality I went online and found which shop was open at 10AM and a reasonable distance from my house. Off to Rock A Billy we went…
I arrived just as they clicked the open sign on, giddy with excitement. I had my dad and best friend with me. (I got really lucky that it is actually a very reputable shop.) I walked in and the lime green walls filled with tattoo flash and the walled of section in the back with a sign that read “Get Poked “above the curtain, caused my excitement to sky rocket ❗
We got all the formalities taken care of and the Piercer, James, introduced himself. He was a sweet heart and absolutely gorgeous to top it off. He walked me over to the portion of the glass counter that held the nose rings and showed me which I could choose from. I chose a small clear “diamond” set in sterling silver L shape.
By this point my heart was beating so fast I could barely hear James explain the process. After he told me what he was going to do he put a purple dot on my nose and had me check to make sure I liked the placement. It was absolutely perfect, so he told me to sit down in the chair.
I had a smile on my face so big that my cheek muscles hurt 😀 I remember the alcohol wipe was really cold and had a pungent smell. James said “OK here we go”. Because it was my nose it caused my eyes to water and it actually hurt more than I expected it too. . But I was so excited that I didn’t even care!
After it was all finished James told me exactly how to care for it and I purchased the aftercare he suggested because it seemed easier.
It was a relatively quick healing process. It was mostly healed after 2 weeks and completely healed after 4. I took good care of it and followed all of the aftercare instructions. Within the 4 weeks I was told to leave the piercing jewelry in I collected close to 20 other nose rings. I had stones in every color, a smiley gave ring, a dice ring and so many others.
I am now 25 and I still have my nose piercing. My choice in jewelry has changed and now I just wear a small hoop. I have 3 or 4 different colors and a few different sizes.
I have 27 other piercings now but my nose is one of the most meaningful because it was the beginning of my piercing journey 😉
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Thanks Kayja for submitting this piercing story, and give her thumbs up by liking it on Facebook and other social media accounts by using the toolbar below ❗
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